Archive for the Uncategorized Category

My Current Training and How It Is Evolving

Posted in Uncategorized on April 21, 2014 by jayaycheff

So, as you’ve probably guessed by now, I’ve been training two days a week. Heavily influenced by the Dan John article I linked in my last post, as well as this article on Diesel Strength by Wil Fleming:

After my meet, I started training as follows, essentially using the combos from the above article:

Day 1:




Day 2:

Power Clean

Front Squat


Day 3:

Bench Press

Push Press

Bent Over Row


This was short-lived, and became this:

Day 1:


Squat/Front Squat (alternated each week)


Day 2:

Power Clean

Bench Press


Occasionally I would (and still do) throw in a third day where I do chins and push ups, and maybe curls or extensions if I feel like it. So technically I am not doing just two days a week, but I also don’t stress if I don’t get this workout in or shorten it. It is also not a very stressful session.

While I was PRing on the bench press, I decided I was not interested in doing it right now. So what I have been doing in place of benching is pulls (clean pulls or snatch pulls). This has been working well. Training has been very fun. Even though I am doing very limited movements, I feel like I am working harder than I have in the past. I also try to limit myself to an hour and 15 minutes tops in the gym, primarily after reading this article:

Since I don’t have any upcoming competitions or anything putting stress on me about my athletic performance, it is more about having fun and going in, getting the work done, and getting out. I feel good. I feel happy. I feel recovered. I’m not beat up or hurting all the time. And I am making progress.

I’ve been piecing things together from different readings, both what to use and also to validate my own ideas, and a couple that have really stuck with me are David Woodhouse and his System, and the fact that Jim Wendler has been doing two days a week for awhile now. Here is an example of Wendler’s training:

and Woodhouse’s System:

As of late, I’ve been programming my squats and front squats (and pulls) using Wendler’s Advanced 5/3/1 percentages and sets/reps schemes. For my cleans and snatches, I’ve been doing 8 doubles in the snatch and 8 singles in the clean and jerk, a la this article from Dan John:

I have a few weeks more to go with the training cycle I have laid out. After this I may run some combos inspired by Wil Fleming, back squats, and push press to hopefully assist my jerk, still doing this over two days a week. After that I may go more strictly into Woodhouse’s the System. Either way, for now, until the unforseeable future, I will be sticking with two days a week (with my possible third day thrown in), as I intend to keep working on the olympic lifts and because my time is limited. It has work in the past, and it appears to be working now. Will it work forever? Probably not, nothing does. I may have to make tweaks, but I don’t necessarily believe I will have to add days. Especially since I am only going to continue getting older. Do I like being in the gym more? Sure. Do I feel like I should be in the gym more? Absolutely. Do I need to be in the gym more? Doesn’t look like it.

Again, is this for everybody? No. It is what is working for me and what I am enjoying doing currently. And maybe it will inspire someone to give it a shot or create their own minimalist training program.


Minimalist Training

Posted in Uncategorized on April 21, 2014 by jayaycheff

Yup. I said it. Minimalist training. There it is. Now that it’s out of the way.

I feel like this term generates eye rolls and yawns of boredom and dislike. But whatever. It describes the type of training well, and it is what I have been doing.
To me, minimalist training means both a minimal number of exercises and a minimal number of training days. I first got a taste of this with Brooks Kubik’s Dinosaur Training. It was a 2-day training routine with only a handful of exercises each day. I tried it, but I didn’t stick with it too long- mainly due to the “feeling” that I needed to be doing more and be in the gym more often. At that time in my life, I also had more free time to be in the gym. Next time I did a twice a week program was when I just couldn’t manage the time at work. Although I have to admit, I didn’t really program it correctly or put in the effort.

My most important dose of minimalist training came from Dan John and this article on T-Nation http: I did this for a bit last summer, and while I didn’t follow it to a T, I still hit my best bench press ever. Despite that, I went back to doing other things because they were “cooler” or “sexier” and I thought I needed to be training more than twice a week. Even when training more times a week though, I would usually keep the volume lower. This seemed to work best. Any time I upped the volume to crazy amounts (more is better, right? Wrong.) I would get hurt, and be forced to take time off.

Well, shortly after my last meet, when I had decided I wanted to train differently, life took another turn (in a very positive  way), but this limited my time even more. So I found myself re-examining minimalist training and if it would work for me, and how I would want to set it up.

I am not going to sit here and say that minimalist training is for everyone. I am not going to say that you can’t get better results from going 3, 4, or 5 days a week. But I will say, that if you don’t have time, if your diet isn’t great, if you don’t get a lot of sleep, if you work full time, if you’re not using PEDs, or if you are getting older (which, I am. I didn’t start lifting as a teen like a lot of people did so I didn’t get all the benefits of that, and I’m not getting any younger), then minimalist training may be for you. It allows for better recovery (I have poor recovery to begin with), makes you really think about what you want to focus on (as training sessions are limited), and leaves you with more time to do things with the rest of your life.

Are you a professional athlete? An Olympian? A model? An actor? No? Then you probably don’t need to be in the gym so much. And you probably also aren’t afforded the luxuries that the aforementioned people are (i.e. it is not your primary job to look good or perform the best- you probably have a day job, significant other, family, friends, responsibilities, etc.)

Why train like a professional athlete if you aren’t one? These people have no other jobs. This is their job. They have spent years doing this and have become accustomed to the frequency, intensity, and volume that their workouts demand. You, most likely, have not, and therefor will not achieve optimal results mimicking what an Olympian or your favorite football player does. Also realize that many of these people are genetically gifted. Chances are, you are not. Most of us are not. Do not use the exception to prove the rule. Find out what works, but realize that more is not always better.

Where have I been? And where am I going?

Posted in Uncategorized on April 21, 2014 by jayaycheff

Haven’t updated this thing in quite awhile. I have still been lifting and competing. I did a deadlift only meet last summer at a WADBL event and pulled 551 in a really loose single ply suit. Spent the summer training single ply again and was getting good at squatting and pulling in it, but could not get it together with the bench shirt. That’s a hard one to learn without spotters and people who know gear. So I went back to raw and just like the year prior, found my raw numbers were down. I ended up doing a meet in December and one most recently in February. Neither went as I had hoped. I hadn’t been having fun training and it can be really disappointing when you have a less than expected performance at a meet, when you consider the time you put in training and the cost of entry and travel and whatnot.

After those two disappointing meets, I decided to go on a hiatus from powerlifting. I’ve been interested in olympic lifting for quite some time and figured now would be a good time to give it a go. It is a lot more technical, and requires a lot more speed than powerlifting. It is extremely different and difficult, especially since I have no one to coach me. But training lately has been fun. I actually stopped benching recently, but I was hitting some PRs when I haven’t hit any in about 9 months. I even hit a beltless deadlift PR after not pulling in a month.


So that’ where I have been. As far as where I am going- I am not sure yet. I am just trying to have fun in the gym. Not stressing myself out about hitting certain numbers or worrying about a competition. I think it would be fun to at some point compete in a USAW meet, but if that happens, it will be in the distant future. I can’t say I won’t ever do a powerlifting meet again either, but right now that’s not where my heart is.

The best pieces of advice I’ve received lately have come from my fiance and a 70s Big article. She said “do what is fun” and the article was titled “Hit It and Quit It.” Together, these two things have put me on a different path with my training and my philosophy toward training.

More on that next.

APA Old Skool Iron Meet 3/9/13

Posted in Uncategorized on March 21, 2013 by jayaycheff

Cube Method Week 9

Posted in Uncategorized on December 15, 2012 by jayaycheff

1.5″ Deficit Pulls:
Bar x 10, 5


Conventional Deadlift:
405x1x5 sets

BB Shrugs:
225x15x3 sets


Floor Press:
185x5x5 sets

Incline DB Press:
60x15x3 sets

Band Pushdowns:

Standing DB Military:
55x10x4 sets

Band Flys:
15×3 sets

305x2x3 sets

Wide Stance Pause Squat:

8×3 sets

Oly Squat:

Stood on 45s which is about a 1.5″ deficit. Haven’t done deficit pulls in a long time, but when I did, I pulled 455 and missed 495. And this 515 is 14 lbs under my best floor pull, so we will see what that means next week. I did GHR’s instead of lunges because I believe I could benefit more from them. I want to make them a staple, regardless of what program I am doing. Changes my bar path a bit on bench. Hard to say if I like it or not because it was a floor press. Squats went per usual. High reps suck. Klokov presses, abs, and conditioning tomorrow. Next week we see what the outcome of this training cycle is.

Cube Method Week 8

Posted in Uncategorized on December 7, 2012 by jayaycheff

Bar x 10

430x1x6 sets

Deadlift from 4″ Blocks:

Pause Deadlift:
185x6x3 sets

BB Shrugs:
225x20x2 sets

Lat Pulldowns:
160x15x4 sets

2×3 sets

BB Military Press:
12×4 sets

Band Pulldowns:
20×4 sets

Band Pushdowns:

Bar x 10

235x2x3 sets

Standing BB Military Press:

Band Lat Pulldowns:
20×4 sets

Band Pushdowns:
25×4 sets

Bar x 10
Add knee wraps and belt
Pulled all my reps conventional except for the final single at 430. Went sumo, didn’t even sit back as far as I should have and didn’t pull the slack out of the bar and was surprised still by how fast and easy it was. Lat pulldowns felt hard which was weird. Bench is still feeling weak. Changed things up a bit but it just didn’t feel great. Overhead press was good. Used some body English on the 135…should’ve probably gone for 125 strict but I wanted to do 135 so whatever. Squats were good depth-wise. Chicken-winged my final squat which tipped me over and I had to grind it with my back to get it. Had I had my elbows under the bar it would have been a smoke show. I only started training high bar when I started the Cube Method, and this squat was 7 lbs over my last meet squat and 10 lbs under my best squat, which were both low bar. Hoping to beat my all time squat in a couple weeks as long as I remember to keep my elbows down. This weekend will probably be curls, upright rows, and abs.

Cube Method Week 7

Posted in Uncategorized on November 30, 2012 by jayaycheff

Bar x 10

Bar x 10

355x5x2 sets

Snatch Grip Deadlift Off 4″ Blocks:

Wide Stance Squats:
205x12x3 sets

Dimmel Deadlift:

Back Raises:

Bar x 10
Add 1 Board

CG Bench:
210x3x3 sets

Lat Pulldowns:
170x15x3 sets

Tricep Pushdowns:

Standing DB Military:

BB Shrugs:
225x15x4 sets

265x2x8 sets

Paused Squats:
225x5x5 sets

Good Mornings:
115x12x3 sets

Leg Press:
2PPS+100PS x20x4 sets

DB SL Deadlift:
My sumo technique is getting better but very hard with reps. My form breaks down and I have my toes so close to the plates I really have to be careful lowering the weight. Hamstrings were still sore and tight from Friday. Was going to do GHR’s but my gym got rid of the machine. Decided to do Dimmel Deadlifts instead. Didn’t feel like I was doing them quite right but I can definitely tell I need hamstring work and think RDL’s would be a great choice. Benching was not great. Worked on the sink technique and it wasn’t working well. Also, the bungee I use to hold the board to my chest gets in the way and changes my bar path, as do boards in general. I am starting to not be a fan of movements that stray from the form. Close grip was hard. Changed my technique a little on the final set, but will have to see if that works with heavier weights or if I am better off just staying right and barely touching my chest or pausing on it. Could’ve gone heavier on the DB militaries but wasn’t sure from the pressing/pushdowns. Squatting felt strong and fast tonight. Ran out of time so just did one set of 20 on stiff legged deadlifts. Got asked for squat advice which was cool. The workout for the weekend will be curls, hang cleans, upright rows, and GHR’s if I can figure out how to rig it up at home.

Cube Method Week 6

Posted in Uncategorized on November 24, 2012 by jayaycheff

Bar x 10

Deadlift off 2″ Blocks:
Bar x 10

Sumo Deadlift:
330x2x8 sets

DB Rows:
110x20x2 sets

BB Shrugs:
225x15x3 sets

Floor Press:
Bar x 10

195x3x8 sets

Incline DB Press:
60x20x2 sets

Band Pushdowns:

Standing DB Military:
55x6x3 sets

Band Flys:

285x2x6 sets

Wide Stance Pause Squat:
195x10x3 sets

Oly Squats:
Warmed up with light squats to get my hips warmed up plus you’re fatigued from squatting in a meet anyway. Will probably go up to 225 next time. Pulled conventional. Felt pretty good though on that last reps my hips came up which usually doesn’t happen. Think I figured out a way to make sumo work for me so I will have to try it on heavier weight next time- only thing is I have to watch my toes when going for reps, which throws the form off. Should’ve gone lighter on DB rows and used less body English. Floor presses felt great. Really tried to control the descent and explode up, and tried to get a feel for how I want my traps set when I bench by playing with my set up a little. Still trying to figure out the ideal bar path- felt like I’d hit it sometimes and sometimes I wouldn’t. Thought 60s would be good for military, but after 10 sets of pressing and pushdowns I decided to dial it down to the 55s. Usually use a light band for flys but only had my mini and it felt better- better squeeze and ROM. Squatted at Bods Barbell with Dan Green. Felt slow and weak and my back and hip were hurting. Felt nauseous and puked everywhere when I got home. Pretty sure I got food poisoning from the Subway sandwich I had for dinner. Curls and abs tomorrow before my tattoo appointment.

Cube Method Week 5

Posted in Uncategorized on November 16, 2012 by jayaycheff

Speed Pull:
355x1x8 sets

Snatch Grip Pull Off 2″ Blocks:


BB Shrugs:
225x15x3 sets

Band Pulldowns:
15×4 sets

Add slingshot

Military Press:

Lat Pulldowns:
130x15x4 sets

Band Pushdowns:

Plate Side Raises:

Bar x 10
Add knee wraps
Add reverse bands
Take off wraps and bands
205x12x2 sets

Leg Press:
2x100s per side +45 on top
3 sets of 20

Leg Extensions:
80x12x3 sets

Leg pain is still a constant. Oly squats got tough today reminding me that I may still have to go low bar for max effort work. Should’ve used two light bands for the pulldowns- one wasn’t nearly enough. Benching didn’t feel terribly weak, but not strong either. Still undecided how I feel about the thumbless grip. Squats went great. Put high bar to the test tonight and they felt strong and comfortable. Have never gone over 315 high bar or used wraps high bar, so while my depth was good it could’ve been a little deeper to be a true oly squat. Pretty sure I will be using high bar as my competition stance. Finished with leg extensions since lunges aggravate my knee and I’m still having pain around there. Just need to get my bench and deadlift dialed in now. Weekend work will just be curls, and and neck extensions- trying to lay off the triceps and not do anything explosive that might aggravate my leg.


Posted in Uncategorized on November 14, 2012 by jayaycheff

Found out about an app through Instagram called MyFitnessPal. Basically a calorie tracker, and gives you the option of gaining or losing half a pound or a pound a week based on your goal. Bases your needs off age, height, current weight, goal weight, and level of exercise. Right now I am sitting at about 230lbs, so I picked 250lbs as my goal weight (though ideally I would like to be 270lbs at some point) and put that I’d like to gain a pound a week. They have a huge database of foods so you can find what you’re looking for or pretty close to. And if not, you can create your own. I think my current calorie intake is fairly on point, but I am curious to see how the app shows how my training sessions affect my calorie intake- I have a feeling I am taking in enough calories if I wasn’t lifting, but that the lifting depletes them so I may need to add in some more. I also tend not to eat as much on the weekends. I think this app will be a great tool that I wish I had long ago. It will help me to better see where I am missing calories and to help me reach my goals quicker by holding me accountable. I’m not saying I’ll be 250 by the end of the year or 270 by the end of next year, but at least with this I can see where I am faltering and what changes I need to make.